How to Work Effectively With Your Hawaii Architect

Whether you're embarking on a home renovation or creating a new architectural masterpiece, being aware of key considerations will help you to work effectively with your Hawaii architect and bring your vision to life.

We've gathered invaluable insights directly from the WhiteSpace Architects firm principals to help you make informed decisions and streamline your design and construction journey.

Prepare Necessary Documents

As you begin reaching out to architects to assist with your design, there are some documents you should obtain if they are available. For home renovations, existing building drawings are essential, and all projects, both renovations and new home projects will necessitate a topographic survey of your property.

While architects can create existing building drawings or recommend surveyors to create a topo survey, having them upfront will allow your Hawaii architect to move directly into the design process, which is where they will provide you with the most value.

Invest in the Conceptual Design Phase

Hawaii Architect Sketch for Nuʻuanu Home

The conceptual design phase is an exciting phase offering the opportunity to explore different design ideas and approaches to your project goals. This time allows you to have thoughtful discussions and consider new possibilities so that ultimately you feel confident in the decisions that will act as a road map for every subsequent step of the process. WhiteSpace Architects has seen homeowners work to save money during the conceptual design phase, only to end up paying more in the end. What many don’t realize is that this phase offers the most cost-effective opportunity for making changes, because it takes more time and money to rework complex drawings or to make changes during construction.

The conceptual design phase is critical for finalizing major project details. Investing sufficient time in conceptual design ensures a solid foundation for subsequent project phases.

Pay Attention to Details

As the design progresses, focus on the details presented at each phase by your architect. WhiteSpace Architects will provide many documents to help communicate the design throughout the process, including 2D drawings, 3D renderings, and computer models that you can virtually walk through. Each phase will continue to refine the design down to the most intimate details. By thoroughly reviewing what your architect provides at each stage, your feedback can answer all the questions needed to create a complete and thoughtful permit and construction drawing set.

Being attentive to the documents your architect provides and checking to make sure the design aligns with your needs will help prevent surprises during construction, minimizing the need for costly changes later on.

Consider the Environment and Sustainable Choices

WhiteSpace Architects has over 40 years of history of advising its clients on place-based design that pays tribute to Hawaii's unique environment. We will work with you to ensure your design reflects Hawaii’s natural beauty and is conscious of its cultural background.

If sustainability is important to you, please advise WhiteSpace Architects at your initial meeting so that we can work to ensure that your design is also as sustainable as possible.

Plan a Realistic Budget & Understand That Cost Estimates Vary

In Hawaii, all construction materials are shipped in, so building a home here is more expensive than it might otherwise be on the mainland.

In addition, your initial cost estimate may vary greatly from your final payment. Initial cost estimates provided by WhiteSpace Architects are rough approximations based on preliminary design preferences and estimated square footage.

Further along in the process, your architect will receive a more accurate quote from a contractor. But this, too, is subject to change during the permitting and construction design process and as you decide on fine details like finishes.

It’s builders, not architects, who present the most accurate pricing for a home. But having an architect on board will help a project stay on budget.

It’s best to set reasonable expectations and to allow for some wiggle room from initial estimates to final costs.

Set Timeline Expectations for Hawaii Architect Permitting

In Hawaii, a lengthy permitting process reflects the sensitivity of local land use. A new home build may need to receive a number of permits. Rely on your architect to do the critical research to see what particular requirements your property may have and they can provide you with an estimated timeline and set of documentation requirements.

Currently, the wait time for a building permit is about 12 to 18 months on Oahu, 5 to 8 months on the Big Island, and 8 to 12 months on Maui and other neighbor islands. While the wait may seem daunting, the realization of a dream home in Hawaii makes it all worthwhile.

Engage a Contractor Early

WhiteSpace Architects recommends engaging a contractor during the design process. Contractors can provide regular cost assessments to help align your project with your budget and can also ensure a level of commitment to your project that will minimize delays after permitting.

Initiating contractor outreach early also ensures that you have sufficient time to vet various contractors to find the best fit for your design and your personality, which is important to project success.

Consider Comprehensive Professional Representation During Construction

While some homeowners opt to oversee construction themselves, hiring an architecture firm or construction expert to manage the project offers peace of mind and ensures proper supervision.

WhiteSpace Architects will at a minimum provide basic oversight during construction, but we also offer our clients the option for a more comprehensive construction administration service to advocate for your needs and address any and all questions or concerns that arise during construction. We can work with you to determine the level of service you need during this critical phase of the project.

Prepare for Unexpected Challenges

Whether it’s finding a rotted wall during a renovation or new structural issues on a plot of land, the processes of permitting and construction often face unexpected obstacles.

Almost all can be resolved with a little patience, so having some fair expectation of these unwelcome discoveries will help with overall peace of mind throughout construction.

Minimize Design Changes Post-Permitting Phase

During Hawaii’s long wait for permitting, owners often change their minds on design concepts. But big changes can cause significant delays – sometimes requiring resubmission for permitting. And they almost always add to the final cost.

Whenever possible, ensure that your design is final with your architect before permitting and construction begins. The more you settle the details of the design, the fewer disruptions and unexpected costs there will be.

Consider Compatibility with Your Hired Professionals

Whether you’re extremely Type A or you prefer a more laid-back approach, finding an architect and contractor compatible with your communication style and design approach ensures a collaborative and fulfilling project experience.

At WhiteSpace Architects, we prioritize effective communication and collaboration to deliver exceptional results. We're dedicated to guiding you through every phase of the process, ensuring that your dream home in Hawaii becomes a reality.


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